Bristol Palin is five months pregnant and planning on marrying the father? Does it get any richer? Look, here's the thing: My "wifey" and I are not legally married. Her daughter, two year old Violet, is not biologically related to me whatsoever. We are a great loving family without any real care for legal pronouncements on whether we are a great loving family. At the same time: WE ARE NOT CLAIMING A MORAL HIGH GROUND!
The problem here is NOT whether or not Bristol and her boyfriend are doin' the nasty. The problem is NOT that the name "Bristol" dooms her to being a NASCAR wife. The PROBLEM is that the daughter of a Vice Presidential candidate running on a "moral parent" platform is acting in direct opposition to the candidate's stated belief. The PROBLEM is that Bristol Palin, who is somewhere in the realm of seventeen (there's no birthdate to be found on her), was more than likely getting busy before the age of consent, while a student in high school (or after she was pulled from school and "homeschooled" late in her high school career) all while her mother, who is attempting to be in line to be in charge of the military as commander in chief, cannot maintain her own code of behavior in her own home. If she can't enforce her own standards in her own house, can we trust her to enforce the UCMJ as the head executive? What? Oh, here's the link to an Eagle Forum question where she states she is an abstinence-only woman.
The Washinton Post predicts the conservative christians (lower case mine) will give the Palin family a pass on this. Perhaps it's because, living so far away in Alaska, they aren't close enough to qualify under the American Evangelical Sixth Commandment: "You shall pass judgement on thy neighbor." Sarah Palin is a pentecostal. What's a pentecostal? It's a Christian that believes they have the gifts of the pentecost. What are the gifts of the pentecost? Those are things like speaking in tongues, possession by the holy spirit, the laying on of hands. Yeah, there is a possibility that our next Vice President believes she can be healed by her pastor laying on hands while she "speaks in tongues". She believes that Satan is actively working to destroy America - or at least her pastor does. Yet even with a God given necessity of promoting abstinence only, she can't get her closest family to follow what she portrays as incredible truth.
Which do you think is worse, that the people running around talking about the sanctity of marriage portraying the other side as "free for all, do what you want, orgy havin' and then baby killing wild people" are themselves getting "knocked up" out of wedlock (so much for abstinence only sex ed, eh?); or perhaps it's the fact that the Palin camp accepted the mantel of Religious Right Figurehead knowing this; or finally, the possibility that John McCain is such a complete moron that he chose the "ultimate" Mom knowing she couldn't control her family and not realizing it's obscenely hypocritical? This isn't Dick Cheney painfully wincing when his party turns its back on his daughter's choices (yes, there is one area where I'll stand up for Cheney again and again); this is a woman who embodies a moral rectitude that obviously can't be found in her own living room.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: I don't care about their family. I could care less about all their children and what they do in Alaska. Don't care. But don't play some "Oh all the good Christians rally around the wonderful uber-mom" if the uber-mom in question is just a normal American mom, a little too obsessed with her newfound careers to pay enough attention to what the kids are doing. To preach "abstinence only" sex education and the perils of Left-Coasters like Pelosi corrupting our schools when you can't hover in the idealistic bubble you've created as your image is beyond hypocricy, it's an insult to those you claim to serve. It happens Bristol, women get pregnant, welcome to today. But don't lecture us about being dirty pigs on the left if you're eating from the same sty.
Don't worry too much conservatives and Palinatics! David Pepper, her pastor, says that Satan has powers on the internet to corrupt. Sit tight, believe. All this is just Satan trying to confuse you. A supernatural demon is easier to accept than a hypocritical politician.