Welcome to Veritasti! I've been writing a blog for a long time now, couple years. Over those two years, I've had about 1200 visitors. Of the 1200, about 800 got to it googling "Krishna Temple Berkeley" or "Drunken CoEds Berkeley". I am not a krishna or a drunken co-ed, heck, I don't even live in Berkeley anymore! So I decided it was time to start fresh. I wanted to address politics, sum up my views of philosophy, and let go. Let go of the control, and make it a blog "of the people". Encourage others to drop off an article and a blog link. To go out to UC Berkeley, to UT, to get up and comers to join me in a new voice of philosophy and politics. A few months ago I decided I wanted a website named Veritasti (Veritas+Tasty!), about the same time, my boss said he wanted a website for his job. So we started working on his. After awhile of sorting through the costs and what we needed for his site, we thought, hey, why not a newsletter instead of a website? And what is a newsletter, but a blog? And so a gazillion dollars of software later, we ended up here on blogger. Well, now it's my turn. I wanted a philosophy and politics website that encouraged others to post their articles as well, along side links to their blogs, and even a section for artwork, email functions, etcetera. I started looking to see what Blogger could do, and dang, it is part of Google, the biggest master of the e-universe ever! So here it is, the blog/web version of "Behind the Story" - this is the blog, and week by week we'll take the Blogger template "Simple II" and turn it into an incredible blogsite!!
So the point isn't the web design. It's the politics and philosophy. If you've got a voice, intelligent insight, why not join me? Send me an e-mail with a link to an article, or the article itself and we'll post it (assuming there's no mad rush). Got an idea for sharing our ideas? Come on down! From the left or right, whether you think the future is looking up or down, share your views, support your point, and let's chat!